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电子邮件 & 骚扰政策

电子邮件 & 骚扰政策

随着和记棋牌娱乐与全球的联系越来越紧密, Northwest is committed to ensuring efficient management and security of all campus technology resources to ensure the University's strategic goals 为 student success.  All individuals using Northwest-provided technology resources and accounts are required to support and abide by campus technology policies.

你,西北科技,大众邮件 & 骚扰

和记棋牌娱乐通过微软Office 365向所有学生提供电子邮件服务, 员工和大学认可的组织.

而电子邮件账户并没有受到常规监控, email accounts are subject to examination by the University and law en为cement authorities when:

  • 维护或改善网络功能是必要的.
  • There is suspicion of misconduct under campus policies or local, 州或联邦法律s.
  • 必须遵守当地的任何规定, 州或联邦法律, 包括诉讼发现程序.
  • 它将服务于大学的合法业务需求.


学生, employees and organizations affiliated with Northwest are required to comply with all campus policies and local, 州和联邦法律. Any use of the campus network or campus email services that violates Northwest policies or local, 州或联邦法律禁止. Northwest reserves the right to terminate the network and email privileges of any user who does 不 adhere to policy.

西北学生可保留其西北网络账户登录凭据, 允许访问西北航空公司的电子邮件, 为 整整一年 从大学退学或毕业后. The exception to this rule is 为 students who are expelled from the University due to disciplinary action.

西北员工账户 立即锁定 下班后或下午5点后.m. 在计划工作的最后一天.

Disclaimer: Although the local, state and federal criminal statutes and legal consequences (e.g. 罚款、监禁等.) found within Northwest's technology policies sections have been produced and processed from legitimate government and pertinent legal/educational sources believed to be reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made by Northwest regarding completeness or precision of the content.

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You,西北科技 & 大量的邮件


举报钓鱼邮件到 西北技术服务中心 at helpesk@daves-studio.com or 660.562.1634.  The Service Center may request that you copy the headers or 为ward the message to them if the message is new to their knowledge base. 不要点击邮件中的任何链接. 一旦报告,删除该消息.


大规模电子邮件 是否仅限于与大学官方业务相关的信息, 和记棋牌娱乐的使命和校园社区的重要组成部分. 禁止任何形式的征集.

If a campus user continues to receive unwanted mass email despite requests f或者是 sender to stop, 用户可向西北技术服务中心举报邮件滥用.  

群发邮件宣传诸如糕饼义卖之类的活动, dances and dinners where commercial activities may occur or tickets must be purchased are 不 appropriate content 为 a mass email. Such events should instead be advertised via social media such as 推特 or 脸谱网, 或提交给西北和记娱乐ios, 西北密苏里或其他在线或印刷服务.

群发电子邮件只有在得到适当的大学办公室批准后才合适, during an emergency or when the in为mation may affect the entire campus community, 如:

  • 由于天气原因关闭或延误
  • 需要为学生、教职员工提供帮助
  • 对公共安全或健康构成威胁的
  • 交通、校园通道或停车场的突然变化
  • Planned or sudden disruptions of significant computer network features or utilities
  • 学生或雇员的死亡
  • Special services or events that are sponsored by the University and deemed significant to the campus community


Mass email messages can不 be sent using an individual department or organization’s email address. Nor can employees or students use the Northwest network 或者是ir University email address to send mass emails to other users. 大规模电子邮件 will only be approved by the Office of University Marketing and Communication.

Network users must submit mass email requests, including a copy of the intended message. 相应的办公室应该保留一份批准的电子邮件的副本. 

所有批准的群发邮件将作为官方通信发送, 如西北和记娱乐ios, 而不是来自个人, 组织或部门账户. Exceptions are mass emails distributed from University Marketing and Communication, 总统办公室, 教务长办公室或人力资源办公室. 


  • 通过电子邮件列表向订阅者分发消息.


  • University-sponsored组织
  • 学术和行政部门
  • 与大学工作有关的雇员.
  • 个别学生 符合listserv的条件

创建了listserv之后, the owner of the account may grant membership to desired users by having them subscribe to their list.  如需邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至西北技术服务中心 helpdesk@daves-studio.com.

You,西北科技 & 骚扰


骚扰 and intimidation of individuals via email on the basis of political affiliation, 比赛, 性别,  性别认同, 宗教, 种族, 性取向, 或残疾是严格禁止的.

骚扰被定义为重复的不必要的关注. 这不包括连锁信件或未经请求的群发邮件. Use of campus email to harass others will result in disciplinary action through the Student Faculty Discipline Committee and/or legal action through 大学警察.


  • 在你的收件箱中保留这些邮件的副本
  • 不删除骚扰短信或短信
  • 这些信息的副本将需要作为违规的证据

骚扰 complaints received from outside sources with evidence that shows a Northwest user violated University policy and/or local, 州或联邦法律 will be handled in the same manner as a violation that happened on campus.

报告所有骚扰邮件信息,包括通过社交媒体的骚扰 大学警察 at 660.562.1254,包括所有对人身和财产的威胁.

如果你是骚扰的受害者, you are strongly encouraged to talk 不 only to 大学警察 but to Northwest counselors at the 大学健康中心 at 660.562.1348. The 大学健康中心’s experienced counselors can provide you with invaluable crisis support and 你会对你的个人信息保密吗.

If you are 不 sure about whether email or social media posts constitute harassment and don’t want to contact 大学警察, 联系 西北技术服务中心 at 660.562.1634 或者是 学生参与办公室 at 660.562.1226 为指导.

You,西北科技 & 禁止电子邮件


  • 创建、转发或传播网络钓鱼电子邮件或连锁信件. 
    • 网络钓鱼是一个术语,用于识别互联网上的犯罪活动. Phishing is the use of bogus (为ged/fake) emails that claim to be from a company that you may trust.
    • A chain message is any message that urges recipients to pass its contents along to others.
  • 邮件轰炸其他系统或用户.
    • Mail-bombing is defined as sending or urging others to send a large amount of email messages to a mail server or an individual’s mailbox with intent to crash the server, 填满用户邮箱或骚扰收件人.
  • Sending email from Northwest servers 为 commercial purposes (advertising and/or selling products 为 profit or personal financial gain).
  • 使用西北网络及其在线发送服务, 张贴或显示攻击性或侮辱性的电子邮件信息.
    • 这些信息包括任何文本, 被收件人认为是诽谤的图形或图像, 粗俗的或诽谤的.
  • Falsifying a sender’s identity or misleading a sender into believing you are someone else.
    • While anonymous messages are 不 illegal, deliberately posing as someone else is illegal. 因此,通信应该始终反映发送者的真实身份.
  • 通过邮件列表发送电子邮件, listserv or distribution list that does 不 follow the intended purpose of the mailing list. 
    • Subscribers to a mailing list expect to receive relevant messages that pertain to a class, 部门或机构. 避免发送与列表目的无关的信息.



